Laser Foot Care

What are Laser Foot Care?

If you’re suffering from any conditions in your feet, ankles, or lower legs, Dr. LaVergne Andre at Loving Hands Podiatry offers mobile laser foot care to residents of Anne Arundel, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland, and DC.

Benefits of Laser Foot Care

Laser therapy has been used in many different areas of care for some time. Even with its rising popularity, not everyone knows about its value in foot care. Learn more about how it can help your feet heal with this guide from Dr. Andre at Loving Hands Podiatry, serving DC and the Maryland suburbs.

How Does Laser Therapy Work and What Are the Benefits?

Laser therapy harnesses the power of light on a safe scale to penetrate the skin and deep tissues. As light enters the tissues, it causes the following responses.

  • It stimulates cellular activity and enhances regeneration, which helps repair damaged or injured areas more quickly. It also helps open wounds heal more quickly, which is great for people who have diabetes.

  • It increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the treatment site, which promotes natural healing. It also causes excess fluid to flow out of the area, which reduces swelling and inflammation while improving lymphatic drainage.

  • It helps block pain signals to the brain, providing you with natural relief as healing takes place.

All of these responses lead to faster healing and a reduction in pain and discomfort. And it’s all done in a non-invasive, pain-free, and natural way.

Foot Conditions Laser Therapy Can Help

Laser therapy can be used for a wide range of issues in the feet, ankles, and lower legs. These include but are not limited to:

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Ankle sprains

  • Morton’s Neuroma

  • Intermetatarsal bursitis

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Diabetic ulcers

  • Post-op care for bunion surgery

  • Scar tissue from old injuries or previous surgeries

  • Toenail fungus

Schedule your mobile laser foot care with Dr. Andre at Loving Hands Podiatry in Anne Arundel, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland, and DC by calling (301) 323-5652 today.

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