Dystrophic Nails
Dystrophic nails refer to nails that are damaged and have an abnormal appearance due to various conditions or factors. According to Loving Hands Podiatry’s Dr. La Vergne Andre, who offers a unique mobile podiatry service for those working and living in and around Beltsville, MD, DC, and the metro-Maryland side, a non-thermal EVRL red violet laser can be used to treat thick dystrophic nails, particularly when managing symptoms of onychomycosis (a.k.a.- a fungal nail infection).
A laser is designed to emit light energy, penetrating the target nail and related surrounding tissue. The laser is pain free and no warm or hot sensations are felt. The laser’s heat helps destroy fungal spores.
The duration of the treatment – which is usually about half an hour – depends on the severity of the fungal infection and the exact number of nails being treated in the session. During this time, the laser device passes over the infected nails multiple times. The severity of the infection will likely determine the required number of treatment sessions, which are usually spaced several weeks apart.
Patients are usually advised in their after-care instructions to keep their nails clean and dry. A topical antifungal and shoe spray, clean moisture wicking socks should be worn as part of the treatment regime.
It is Non-Invasive – No surgery is required.
It is Pain Free- no warm or hot sensation is felt
There is No Downtime - Patients typically resume routine activities immediately after a treatment session.
It has a High Success Rate - Many individuals experience substantial improvement in their nail appearance and reduced fungal infections.
Visible improvement may require a few months as new nail growth helps. Full clearance of the infection may require 6–12 months for complete treatment.
In addition, laser treatments are generally recognized to be safe with few, if any, side effects. On a rare occasion, individuals might experience discoloration or temporary mild pain.
Laser therapy is a promising and effective technique to solve thick dystrophic nails, especially those resulting from fungal infections, offering high success rates with minimal side effects.
If you have concerns about thick nails or other podiatric issues, contact Dr. Andre or a staff member of Loving Hands Podiatry at 301-323-5652 or online. Dr. Andre and the staff look forward to evaluating and creating a treatment plan to meet your unique nail and podiatry needs.
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