Bunions, or ‘hallux valgus,’ are a common foot condition characterized by a ‘bump’ on the side of the foot, typically just below the big toe. As this bump grows larger, it can force the big toe over the second toe, causing pain and difficulty walking.
The definitive cause of bunions has yet to be identified. While some studies have shown a connection with wearing high-heeled shoes, bunions may also be caused by inherited genetic defects in the structure of the foot, or by arthritis.
Bunion treatment does not always involve surgery. Instead, your podiatrist may suggest lifestyle changes, such as wearing more comfortable and supportive footwear, adding shoe inserts to your shoes, or losing weight. Icing your feet can reduce inflammation, as can basic over-the-counter anti-inflammatories.
If your podiatrist does decide that surgery is the best answer to your bunions, there are a number of different surgical options available. Some will even allow you to walk immediately following your surgery.
Concerned about your bunions? Want to learn more about your treatment options? Contact our practice and schedule your appointment today.
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